Main » 2013 » September » 3 » Discuss
3:21:59 PM
Months have passed and questions remains unanswered and silenced.
We have decided to have daily posts, questioning the statements provided to the public by the authorities, that have been contradicted by their own or by other witnesses. We are going to go deeper into these details and let you discuss and share your views, answering our critical questions.
It is really important that you share your views and share it with each other.
People feel all they can do is watch the brutality happen, while staying silenced. We want you to be encouraged to discuss, do research and hopefully help this case to get stronger in finding the truth, because the stories provided to the public are clearly not it.
Stay tuned.
Views: 1133 | Added by: TsarnaevTruth | Rating: 5.0
Total comments: 1
1 Janice Bennett  
My biggest concern is whether or not some people of authority to piece the whole story together with all the facts and information that has been researched and documented, is going to be taken into real consideration and validated for the defense of Dzhokhar, Tamerlan, and Todashev. There are those who have taken the authority to condemn them and put out news that makes people choose to condemn them without proof, so where are the people who are informing the public via news media of the lies and falsified information so that the people who govern law and justice with be made aware and be able to make their own just decisions based on all facts, not just hearsay.

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