When we say the lame stream news is a bunch of theater, we’re speaking literally.
Makes us wonder how these actors sleep at night. Aiding and abetting the feds in deceiving The People is treason, isn’t it?
Just out of curiosity google "treason”. "Treason can also be aiding the enemies of your own country.”
So, the ones who perpetrate these terror attacks are murdering The People of The Republic of the Unites States of America and are our enemies, and anyone who assists them and plays a role is complicit, are they not? We sure wouldn’t want that on MY conscience.
Great sleuthing, Mike! The lame stream corporate media creates a fairy-tale world and many of The People are only too happy to live in it.
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May 10, 2013 ( Recap )
The Tsarnaev family connections to the world of spooks and suits are becoming increasingly difficult to either ignore or dismiss as mere "coincidences.” When I wrote the first article on The Tsarnaevs and the CIA, detailing the connections between the Tsarnaev family (namely "Uncle Ruslan” Tsarni and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) to the intelligence world (Graham Fuller, Fethulla Gulen), I did not expect for it to become a multi-part series. Although, the way things are headed, there may indeed be a need for continuous entries within this journal.
A bit of old information has been made new again thanks to the keen eye of writer Mark Ames at NSFWCORP with a piece titled "I Hope I Didn’t Contribute To it,” which includes a detail that, as he correctly point
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April 29, 2013
It has been confirmed that the Tsarnaev family of Samantha Ankara Fuller and Ruslan Tsarnaev was short-lived, reportedly ending in divorce in 1999, it appears that Ruslan and Graham Fuller were more than just father-in-law and son. They may also been business partners.
These key details in the history of the Tsarnaev family and the CIA were first reported by Daniel Hopsicker of Mad Cow Morning News, and the marriage of Fuller’s daughter and Ruslan has indeed been confirmed by Al-Monitor reporter, Laura Rozen.
Hopsicker notes that the Congress of Chechen International Organizations was incorporated by Ruslan in Maryland just around the time of his marriage to Fuller’s daughter, listing his then father-in-law’s home address as the principal office.
In the interview with Laura Rozen, Gra
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